BCDA – Working Remotely Until Further Notice

A reminder: per the Governor’s business shut-down order, Bedford County Development Association (BCDA) is closed to the public. However, our team is working remotely, available by email or phone, to continue to provide information and other services in support of economic development. If there is anything, we can help you with, please let us know.

Bette Slayton, President:  slayton@bcda.org  –   Mobile:  814-977-2435
Tabitha Barbarito, Director:  barbarito@bcda.org –  Mobile:  240-522-6991
Andrew Trexler, Business Startup Coach:  atrexler@bcda.org – Mobile: 814-505-3640
Melanie Miller, Office Manager:  info@bcda.org

Our office phone can be called:  814-623-4816
Please leave a voice message – this message will be transferred to our e-mail.