A Local Voice for The Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan

Bedford, PA – The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) recently invited Jennifer Marsh to serve on its Technical Advisory Committee for the development of the State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP).  Marsh is the Vice President of the Bedford County Development Association.

“While DCNR is the lead tasked with this responsibility, the plan represents the outdoor recreation needs and goals of the entire Commonwealth,” noted Cindy Adams Dunn, Secretary of DCNR.

The SCORP plays a pivotal role in guiding the future of outdoor recreation in Pennsylvania, addressing key issues, identifying trends, and outlining strategies to enhance the quality and accessibility of outdoor recreational opportunities across the state. Marsh’s appointment to the advisory committee will contribute to shaping policies and initiatives that promote environmental stewardship, community engagement and economic growth through outdoor recreation.

“I’m honored to represent our county in the development of the new state-wide plan. A strong outdoor recreation culture is important to recruiting and retaining people and businesses and serves as a powerful economic engine,” Marsh said. “Bedford County has so much to offer. We’re eager to partner with the state to continue to grow this important industry.”

The outdoor recreation industry adds $14 billion to the state’s economy and accounts for 152,000 jobs, according to the newly formed PA Office of Outdoor Recreation.

BCDA has recently been awarded several outdoor recreation grants that Marsh is working on in partnership with the county and the newly formed Bedford County Outdoor Recreation Alliance. The County-Wide Master Trail Connectivity Study project is one of the projects recently awarded to BCDA that will review the current trails and determine ways to connect them to further enhance the county’s trail system.

Bedford County is well-represented at the state level with Matt and McKenzie Blair, The Organic Snack Company, serving as members of the Recreation Engagement Coalition for Growing Outdoor Recreation for Pennsylvania (GORP) and Blaine Smith, Juniata Trading, serving on the Outdoor Business Alliance Steering Committee.