Bedford County
Business Park 2
Bedford County Business Parks provide high-quality, turn-key sites for a variety of clients, including DAR Professional Building, Rex Heat Treat Bedford Inc., MDL Manufacturing Industries, Inc., XPO Logistics (Con-Way Trucking), Bedford Reinforced Plastics, Inc., CaptiveAire, Inc. Commercial Kitchen Ventilation, The Organics Snack Company and the Bedford County Development Association.

Business Park 2 - Information
Site Information Profile
There is no zoning within Bedford Township. For all practical purposes, future uses are regulated by the land seller through restrictive covenants and the sell decision.
All Utilities are at curb-side.
The business park is bisected by a 115 KV main transmission line, with a parallel running 23 KV line operated by Penelec/ FirstEnergy. Requirements up to 7MW are likely to be supported from the 23 KV line. Penelec believes reliability of the service to be high, and have recently upgraded the nearby substation (approx. 1-mile away). Determination of line capacity and the conceptual ability to support the requirement can be determined with a written request which indicates total load requirements.
UGI Central Penn Gas currently provides a 6″ medium pressure gas main along Country Ridge Rd in Bedford Township. Requirements up to 15,000 CFH can be supported from this gas main with delivery pressures of 2 or 5 # psi. Higher delivery pressures are available upon written request. Additional load capacity is available with upgrades to the existing distribution system. Service reliability is determined as high.
CenturyLink is a Tier One provider with POP locations in Carlisle and Harrisburg. CenturyLink provides an SLA of a 99.999% reliability rate (less than 6 minutes of downtime a year). CenturyLink can provide both hardwired and path redundancy in support of the property /project, as well as extensive Cloud Services through the Savvis division. In terms for a secondary provider, Comcast/Xfinity Fiber, and offers a practical back-up solution to CenturyLink.
Sewer and Water
The Municipal Authority of the Borough of Bedford has upgraded its system, including treatment plant and line upgrades. As a result, the plant is fully compliant and has practical treatment capacity of approximately 700,000 gallons per day.
Public water is supported by 2 wells with a total system capacity of 500,000 gpd (active draw) and storage capacity of 700,000 gal. The system has sufficient capacity to support cooling and fire suppression requirements on the site, subject to a possible requirement for a small onsite tank.
Lines presently serving the property are 10″ water main line with an 8″ gravity sanitary sewer line, and with the installation of a diverter there is a measure of redundancy. This site has an available approved capacity for water and sewer of 46,672 gpd.
Latitude/Longitude: 40.0694, -78.5241
Type of space: Business Park
Max Size: 2.8 acres
Last Updated: 2/22/22
For Sale: Yes
Sale Terms: The site has current land development plan approval for 27,000 s. f. of building area, with parking areas (generally in alignment with the concept).
This sites is designated as Keystone Opportunity Zones (KOZ) providing meaningful savings to companies in the form of certain state and local tax abatements through year end of 2025. The KOZ benefits affect the following taxes: -State: Corporate Net Income tax, Capital Stock and Foreign Franchise tax, Personal Income tax, Sales and Use tax (purchases consumed and used by business in the Zone), Mutual Thrift Institution tax, Bank and Trust Company Shares tax, and Insurance Premiums tax -Local: Earned Income/Net Profits tax, Business Gross Receipts, Business Occupancy, Business Privilege and Mercantile tax, Sales and Use tax (county/city; purchases exclusively used and consumed by business in the Keystone Opportunity Zone), and Property tax
Existing Tax Incentives: KOZ taxes are exempt for a period of 10 years from the date of development/occupancy which must occur by December 31, 2015, but no longer than December 31, 2025.
KOZ: Yes
Nearest Airport: Bedford County Airport
Distance to Airport: 1.5 miles miles
Nearest Interstate: I-99 & I-70/76
Distance to Interstate: 2 miles
Nearest Highway: Business Route 220
Distance to Port: 200 miles (approx.) miles
Distance to Major Highway: adjacent to business park miles
Electric Service: Yes
Electric Service Provider: Penelec/FirstEnergy
KVA: 23 and 115
Voltage: Secondary Voltages Available
Natural Gas Service: Yes
Natural Gas Provider: UGI – Central Penn Gas
Natural Gas Line Size: 6” medium pressure gas main in
Sewer Service: Yes
Fiber Optics: Yes
Sewer Provider: Bedford Township Municipal Auth.
Sewer Line Size: 8” gravity sanitary sewer line in
Water Service: Yes
Water Service Provider: Bedford Township Municipal Auth.
Water Line Size: 10” water main in
Telecom: Yes
Telecom Provider: Comcast and CenturyLink