BCDA Board Members

Bedford County Development Association announces new Board members for 2022

BEDFORD, PA – The Bedford County Development Association (BCDA) is pleased to announce additions to its Board of Directors for the new year.

            They include Mike O’Dellick, administrative director of the Bedford County Technical Center; Dave Nostrand, general manager of Omni Bedford Springs Resort; and Floyd (Pete) Imler, who is the principal engineer for JLG Industries.

            James Gonsman, senior vice president of Hometown Bank, serves as the 2022 BCDA Board Chair.

            “I do not take this opportunity lightly and understand the importance it represents,” Gonsman said. “BCDA not only has a fantastic track record of attracting quality job-producing businesses but just as important as retaining businesses.  We will also continue to focus on workforce and entrepreneurial development.”

            Local businesses are beginning the process of recovering from the effects of the pandemic at a time when the global economy and supply chain are being affected by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

            Nostrand, who has more than 30 years of experience in the hospitality industry in sales, marketing, brand management and leadership positions, said he and the other BCDA board members will be focused on helping other Bedford County businesses achieve success.

            “The labor shortage and the high cost of gas are the two biggest challenges that all of our local businesses are facing right now,” he said.

            O’Dellick, who has 16 years of education experience in local school districts where he has served as a high school mathematics teacher and high school principal, said he is excited about the opportunity to serve local businesses and the community.

            “We want to do everything we can to promote continued economic development in Bedford County,” O’Dellick said. “As the administrative director of the Technical Center, I’m looking forward to networking with business leaders and employers and learning how I can help prepare our students for specialized careers that support these businesses.”

            “BCDA works tirelessly to bring private and public sector industries together to problem solve the issues at hand,” Gonsman said. “We don’t just attract businesses and then forget them.  We’re here to serve the business community. It’s an honor to serve such an organization.”

Full Board Photo name listing:

Front Row Sitting (l-r): David Nostrand, Omni Bedford Springs Resort & Spa; Assistant Treasurer, Jeffrey Crist, Gatter & Diehl, Inc; Treasurer, Trudy Mitchell, Southern Alleghenies Planning & Development Commission; Chair, James Gonsman, Hometown Bank of PA; Vice Chair, Sherry Cain, Cain Coaching and Consulting; Secretary, Mike O’Dellick, Bedford County Technical Center; Bob McGowan, Mission Critical Solutions, LLC.

Back Row Standing (l-r):  Office Manager, Melanie Miller, BCDA; Todd Smith, Smith Transport, Inc; Vice President, Jennifer Marsh, BCDA; President, Bette Slayton, BCDA; Lester Meck, Saxton Borough Council; Jan Fisher, UPMC Altoona/UPMC Bedford; Robbie Weaver, Weaver’s Sanitation Service, Inc; Dwayne Zimmerman, Crowsnest IT Support; and Marcia O’Rear, StelTek Graphics Inc.

Missing from the picture are Immediate Past Chair, Brian Pachtman, Reed, Wertz & Roadman; Floyd “Pete” Imler III, JLG Industries, Inc; Gregory F. Krug, Lampire Biological Laboratories and Bedford County Commissioners:  Deb Baughman, Barry Dallara; and Alan Frederick